
Sunday, 10 January 2016

Toys shelf at 11 months

I was hoping that after the long Christmas holidays, Lorenzo would look at his room and toys as if it was the first time.
Instead, the Imbucare box and the stacking tower were suffering from abandonment.
It was time to upgrade the shelf. 

Toy shelf in his room:

1. A tissue box with silk cutouts.
Not really reflecting the aesthetic idea promoted by Maria Montessori but we'll work on that.
At the moment Lorenzo enjoys pulling them out. But they are incredibly versatile, and very much loved. We received them as a present, from here.

2. A DYI imbucare box.

3. Stacking ring tower. 

4. "Sensorial" balls. 
Lorenzo was never particularly warm about them (although it's at least 3 months that he enjoys passing and receiving a ball).

5. Galt pop-up toys. 
As soon as I bought it, I made the mistake of showing him the jumps. He couldn't replicate the movement, and became so frustrated that he was tossing the toy as soon as he saw it. I had to hide it for a couple of weeks.
This is the only toy we bought for him. I like the toys that can evolve. Now he's putting the little men in place, later he'll make them bolt out or use them for colour recognition.

6. Matryoshka.

Other rooms:

Since most of our time is spent in the living room/kitchen, Lorenzo is using his room mostly during the weekends. As a consequence I started paying more attention to the material we spread around the house (before there were just wooden blocks close to the kitchen counter).

At the moment, it counts three areas: 

- some books on our bookshelf, 

- a reserved space in the always-present Expedit 
(how can I speak Montessori without an Expedit).
The Expedit is now devoted to the exploration of musical instruments.
Soon I'll import my old portable stereo to make him independent in the music area. He's a dancer, and deserves a musical area well defined and complete.

- A trolley close to the kitchen counter:

It contains:
1. A plastic book with rhymes.
A present from a friend, and I'm thankful for it. He loves to press the button (it turns red) and dance to the music.

2. a teether. 

3. The stacking cups. 
There are ten cups in total but so far, I have given him only three. This is already challenging enough.

4. Wooden blocks with two containers,

5. Sensory bottles. 
There have been out for a while, but he's only enjoying them now.

He also has a couple of drawers from the kitchen that are safe for him. He loves to pull out cutting board and oven pans. And, surprise surprise, he's starting to put them back in as well! Yey! 

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